Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Bob's amazing and highly anticipated transformation

We all have Swan plants and caterpillars in our learning spaces. We have been eagerly watching the caterpillars grow...little munching machines! In Room 6 we have Bob and Bruno who are in the final stages of their metamorphosis by resting in their Chrysalis. Meet Bob:
He was our first to make the "J" shape and form a chrysalis.
Ms Ewart was the first to have a butterfly hatch exciting!


  1. Hi Pukeko Parua!
    I cant wait to see how the caterpillars do!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi pukeko parua! i really like your swamp plants and good job with the butter flys ive got some at home they are in there cocon right now but soon they be out like yours :D make sure you water the plant everyday for it to grow :D:D.
