Wednesday 21 August 2019

Room 15 Calendar Art

Check out our awesome calendar art! Order forms have gone home so you can order calendars, cards, diaries and notebooks.    

Saturday 10 August 2019

Arts Festival art

Rooms 4,5,& 6 had the opportunity to work with Bret de Thier on his Christchurch Arts Festival project. His 1972 logo was relaunched for the 2019 Arts Festival. His design is based on the Rose window from the Christchurch Cathedral. He got the children to rethink his design in a fresh and new way. Their designs were put onto posters and were exhibited in Turanga City Library. We went into the library to see the exhibition and we were presented with a poster (on display in our school office). The art works were also projected onto the old Rhydges hotel too which was an amazing treat for us to see.

Rooms 4,5 & 6 Arts Festival art goes on a grand scale!!

Saturday 18 May 2019

Pukeko Pārua awards Term 2 week 3

These tamariki were acknowledged for working quietly and independently during testing week...much appreciated by all of the teachers!

Giving our full support to Bully Free Week!

We had fun dressing in pink today - the team has spent the week doing activities about bullying, respect and looking after each other.

Sunday 21 April 2019

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to you all. We 🐰hop🐇 you all had a lovely weekend with your whanau 🐣

Friday 12 April 2019

Term 1 Week 10 Awards

Congratulations to these children for receiving the value awards this week.
Our focus was "Being a motivated learner by starting work quickly, staying on task and doing your best work'.

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Harakeke Weaving

The Kiwis Reading Groups in Rm 14 & 15 have been learning how to weave with a super parent helper - Elisa! The students read lots of different stories about harakeke. They learnt about the protocols around how to harvest, handle and create a basket from flax. Don't they look amazing?! Thank you Elisa!!! 

Tuesday 26 March 2019

It's raining cats and dogs in Room 6

Today the tamariki finished a month long art project. Their collage cats and dogs look purrrrrrfect - or is that bowmazing!!

Monday 25 March 2019

Yay! Room 14 and 15! We have a chrysalis!!!

When we got to school this morning we were all so excited....we had a chrysalis! Is it going to be a girl or a boy????

New Cushions

Mrs Newton's Mum made us some cushions so we can get comfortable working on the stage. Mrs Symns brought them to school for us. We love then so much. Thank you!

Creative time

During choice time on a Friday some boys like to make creations with objects around the room. They have made houses and last Friday these boys made a boat!

Values Awards Term 1, Week 8

Looking out for others; looking after our Parua by being aware of how others are feeling  
Zac had hurt himself in the playground at lunchtime so his friend Cody helped him up to accept his award. Good work Cody....we like to see children with empathy!!!!

Unfortunately Mr Leadbetter was away on Friday so he will give out his awards next week. Well done everybody for looking out for others.