Thursday, 24 May 2018

Descriptive Writing Rooms 12 & 13

Today Miss Ewart brought her wind up toy cat to school for us to describe.
It was so funny when Miss Ewart pulled the string. The cat began chasing and bouncing the little red ball. We all laughed and thought it was very cool!

We described this little cutie!

Wind Up Toy Cat 
by Haley R12

It is white and fluffy like snow. It has grass green eyes and a plain old bow. It has a little wind up key that is silver like a second place medal. It has a white nose like clouds that want to cry on us. It feels fluffy but hard at the same time. It has soft ears adm it has glass eyes which feel very smooth. It has a long tail that is bumpy and fluffy, very fluffy. 
You can wind up the key and it starts playing basketball and it's tail flicks just like a dog. It's paws start flicking too. And it moves round in a circle.

Cat Toy 
by Acacia R12

Miss Ewart has a wind up toy cat. The toy cat has a red ball on a piece of string and it has a smile. It has a white nose and it has a white furry bow around it's neck.

Wind Kitty
by Max R122

It has a white nose and green emerald eyes. They have two fluffy ears with pink inside the ears. It has a red ball and a little bow. It feels like a fluffy couch. It's ball feels like a squished tomato. It can throw its ball down, then it comes back up like a yoyo.

Wind up Cat
by Zac R12

It has two emerald eyes and it has a small white strong nose. It feels silky like someone's soft hair (which is very soft). It spins round like a psycho basketball player.

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