Monday, 23 July 2018

Science fun

Today we started our science inquiry. We looked at static electricity...what will attract and repel?

Friday, 6 July 2018

Our Term 2 values certificates

Today four children were awarded a special certificate from our teachers. These children were chosen for consistently showing our school values over the whole term. Well done Logan, Jade, Gerald and Maddison - well deserved!

Poutama Rima

Today the Poutama Rima tamariki from our team got their certificates. What a fabulous term of learning from these students!

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Quality work week

We are also featuring Geralds spelling...completed to a very high standard!

Quality work week

Today we feature published writing from
Max. Beautiful work Max! You are certainly putting a lot of effort into your letter for Mr T.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Quality work week

Today we are featuring Zac's Big Book activity. They were asked to illustrate a part of the story  and we are impressed with the detail and effort that Zac has put into his work. Well done Zac!

Tuesday, 3 July 2018


Here are our finished foam animal prints. A big process but worth it! We traced onto foam before printing a background colour. Then we created a stamp by cutting out our image and etching detail.

Our featured work for today:

Well done have well structured persuasive writing. Lots of great supporting detail!

Monday, 2 July 2018

Quality work week

This week our values focus is Ako...specifically working to our full potential. Each day a students work will be showcased in our Whanau hui and on our blog. Today we have Nirvana's beautiful handwriting...Tino pai Nirvana!